Portfolio Analytics

Accurate, detailed reporting is the key to making smarter decisions in asset-backed lending. Finley's configurable dashboards help you track the performance of your collateral and identify risks early on.
Dashboards and Insights Backed by Auditable Data
Ensure Data Consistency and Quality
Finley conducts data validation and transformation behind the scenes, so your dashboards come triple-checked. Common data checks include safeguards for data type and data consistency.
Configure Alerts and Monitoring
Finley's email- and Slack-based alerts can let you know if predefined thresholds have been breached. Examples of common reports include covenant threshold breaches or upcoming deliverable due dates.  
AI-Powered Queries and Insights
Finley supports custom queries and exports data in open file formats, for follow-up analysis. This includes the ability to use natural language to generate complex queries.
Centralize and Audit Data
Finley stores all asset data in both the original format (e.g., CSV or XLSX) and in an internal database, where all data fields are checked for accuracy as soon as they enter the Finley system.

That means data errors can be identified and addressed prior to funding activity or analysis engine
  • Preconfigured dashboards of borrowing base metrics and strats
  • Ability to conduct analysis on portfolio performance over time
  • Early warning system for covenant alerts
Track Collateral and Portfolio Performance
Credit agreements often stipulate a number of financial reporting covenants and portfolio covenants that borrowers must monitor and report on in order to maintain access to their capital. Proactive collateral monitoring helps lenders and borrowers know what's ahead.
  • Preconfigured dashboards of borrowing base metrics and strats
  • Ability to conduct analysis on portfolio performance over time
  • Early warning system for financial and portfolio covenant compliance
Leverage Finley's Unified Datalake and Repository
Finley's built-in analysis and visualizations are built on top of a unified data foundation that can also integrate with your existing systems.
  • Export data in open file formats for further analysis
  • Take advantage Finley's API integrations for event-based workflows
  • Perform sophisticated time series analysis by running queries across Finley datasets
Customer Spotlight
“When we looked for off-the-shelf software solutions that could meet our needs, we couldn’t find one that could handle the nuances of our credit agreement. Finley helps us minimize risk and saves our finance and engineering teams dozens of hours a month.”
Eric Glyman
Chief Executive Officer, Ramp