Calculation Verification

Borrowing base calculations underpin the majority of funding activity in asset-backed lending.

Finley's Calculation Verification capability helps verify the accuracy of borrowing base calculations in near real time, regardless of format or data scale.
How Calculation Verification Accelerates Funding Activities
Faster, More Accurate Transactions
Asset-based lending requires clear communication between lenders and borrowers, as well as a shared source of truth around collateral. Finley's proprietary calculation engine surfaces discrepancies within a single servicer report or across multiple servicer reports.
Catch Errors that Excel Misses
Microsoft Excel wasn't designed to track or validate collateral data, so it can often miss errors around borrowing base reporting. Finley runs hundreds of checks for duplicate or misreported collateral data, and provides an easy-to-read report on the status of every receivable.
Track Results Centrally
Lack of alignment or visibility between lenders and borrowers can lead to slowdowns in funding. Finley's Calculation Verification capability shows both sides the status of each test, and gives lenders the option to Approve and/or issue a Waiver for a servicer report at the end of the verification workflow.
Feature Spotlight
Finley's Verification Suite enables asset managers to instantly identify discrepancies between loan tapes and source data, as well as borrowing base or covenant miscalculations. Finley's verification workflows also allows lenders and borrowers to identify and fix data errors in a shared online portal.
Customer Spotlight
“When we looked for off-the-shelf software solutions that could meet our needs, we couldn’t find one that could handle the nuances of our credit agreement. Finley helps us minimize risk and saves our finance and engineering teams dozens of hours a month.”
Eric Glyman
Chief Executive Officer, Ramp