May 2024 Product Release

May 2024 Product Release

At Finley, we’re dedicated to streamlining every step of debt capital management. By bridging the gap between complex data, workflows, and insights, we empower lenders and corporate borrowers to make the most of their debt portfolios. Our innovative software solutions make managing capital markets operations simpler and more efficient.

Here’s what we've released this month:

Portfolio Covenant Graphs

Borrowers and lenders can now programmatically calculate, track, and display portfolio covenant values and results directly within the Finley insights page.

Borrowers and lenders can now track and visualize portfolio covenant values
Borrowers and lenders can now track and visualize portfolio covenant values

Previously, borrowers and lenders had to manually extract, organize, and plug relevant data into Excel models with complex formulas. With our portfolio covenant graphs, Finley can apply calculations to stored data to capture portfolio covenant values on an ongoing basis and display visualizations directly within our portal.

By providing real-time visual representations of covenant values and trends, our tool simplifies the ongoing assessment of portfolio risk. Borrowers and lenders can easily confirm whether the covenant passes the required thresholds and monitor covenant values over time without calculating the values from separate Excel files submitted by borrowers on a monthly basis.

If you’re interested in using this feature, please reach out to your Finley representative.

Multi-Preview Generation in Assignment

Finley's Assignment feature allows borrowers to build, test, and apply various assignment strategies to determine which receivables they ultimately pledge to their capital providers. Now, it includes multi-preview generation.

Previously, customers could only evaluate the impact of one assignment strategy at a time. With the introduction of multi-preview generation, users can concurrently set multiple strategies and compare their effects on Borrowing Base values in a single, streamlined operation.

Users can now quickly apply several different strategies simultaneously and see the impact of each one side by side. This allows for easier comparison and helps them make more informed decisions about which strategies are best for optimizing their Borrowing Base values.

The preview selection panel gives a high-level impact overview to help compare each applied strategy. Users can select into any strategy to view detailed funding impact across your facilities. You can drill down to the funding and borrowing base impact this will have for each one of your facilities as well, all the way to individual eligibility and concentration kick outs, to help you make an informed decision.

Repayments Tracking

The Repayments Tracking feature offers lenders and borrowers a detailed chart and table tracking repayments by vintage performance, providing a clear view of the percentage of receivables that have been repaid over time.

Visualize repayments by vintage in Finley
Visualize repayments by vintage in Finley

With this tool, lenders can easily monitor the effectiveness of underlying collateral, ensuring that the receivables pledged truly serve their intended purpose. This graph is available on the Profits and Losses page of the Finley portal for lenders, and borrowers can view the same details on the Insights page.

Learn More

Finley is private credit management software that helps private credit borrowers and asset managers streamline and monitor asset-backed loans. From tracking covenants and deliverables, to assembling funding requests and analyzing asset performance, Finley gives borrowers and lenders peace of mind when it comes to debt capital management. For more, check out our Product page.

If you want to learn more about software that can help you streamline your debt capital raise and management, just schedule a demo. We'd love to chat!